One Deadly Summer
"A gripping tale of hatred, revenge, and lust … a sinister spellbinder." — Publishers Weekly
Car mechanic Florimond can't believe his luck when a beautiful young newcomer to his sleepy Provence village agrees to marry him. But his bride's motivation is slowly revealed as a cunning plan to avenge a long-ago crime. Told from four fascinating perspectives, this French noir thriller won the prestigious Prix Deux Magots. One Deadly Summer is a true classic of suspense.
"The most welcome talent since the early Simenons." — The New York Times
"A rich and resonant sonata in black ... the taut shaping of a grand master." — Kirkus Reviews
"Sébastien Japrisot holds a unique place in contemporary French fiction. With the quality and originality of his writing, Japrisot has hugely contributed to breaking down the barrier between crime fiction and literary fiction." — Le Monde