Dynamic Probabilistic Systems, Volume II: Semi-Markov and Decision Processes (Dover Books on Mathematics)
This book is an integrated work published in two volumes. The first volume treats the basic Markov process and its variants; the second, semi-Markov and decision processes. Its intent is to equip readers to formulate, analyze, and evaluate simple and advanced Markov models of systems, ranging from genetics and space engineering to marketing. More than a collection of techniques, it constitutes a guide to the consistent application of the fundamental principles of probability and linear system theory.
Author Ronald A. Howard, Professor of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, continues his treatment from Volume I with surveys of the discrete- and continuous-time semi-Markov processes, continuous-time Markov processes, and the optimization procedure of dynamic programming. The final chapter reviews the preceding material, focusing on the decision processes with discussions of decision structure, value and policy iteration, and examples of infinite duration and transient processes. Volume II concludes with an appendix listing the properties of congruent matrix multiplication.