Academic Writing for Graduate Students, Second Edition: Essential Tasks and Skills (Michigan Series In English For Academic & Professional Purposes)
The second edition of this successful guide to writing for graduate-and undergraduate-students has been modified to include updates and replacements of older data sets; an increased range of disciplines with tasks such as nursing, marketing, and art history; discussions of discourse analysis; a broader discussion of e-mail use that includes current e-mail practices.
Like its predecessor, this edition of Academic Writing for Graduate Students
" explains understanding the intended audience, the purpose of the paper, and academic genres.
" includes the use of task-based methodology, analytic group discussion, and genre consciousness-raising.
" shows how to write summaries and critiques.
" features "language focus" sections that address linguistic elements as they affect the wider rhetorical objectives.
" helps students position themselves as junior scholars in their academic communities.
The Commentary has also been revised and is available.