Professionals on Workplace Stress - The Essential Facts
"This book not only seeks to develop an acceptable definition of stress and how it relates to the workplace, but also gives practical advice on preventative and coping strategies." From the Foreword by John Monks, General Secretary, Trades Union Congress
Stress can have a devastating impact at a personal and financial level. The sources of modern day stress are wide ranging and its manifestations damaging to employees and employers alike. Yet once the reality of the problem is recognised, it is possible to implement effective tactics to identify and limit the negative aspects of stress. Compassion alone, however, is not sufficient. What is required is a full understanding of the increasingly sophisticated professional advances made, both in working practices and through legislation, to combat the problem. Professionals on Workplace Stress provides such an understanding. It is written by an expert team consisting of a:
- business adviser
- psychologist
- human resource manager
- occupational physician
- lawyer, and
- victim
Alex Roney was Legal Counsellor at the London Chamber of Commerce from 1973 to March 1997 and now works with the market research team at Winmark Ltd. Cary Cooper is currently Professor of Organizational Psychology in the Manchester School of Management and is Pro-Vice-Chancellor (External Activities) of UMIST.