Design Simulation: Use of Photographic and Electronic Media in Design and Presentation
Advances in photographic and computer technology have made simulating the design of a project before its actual construction one of the most important tools available to architects and engineers today. No other method permits designers to test alternatives in such an efficient and cost-effective way. Design Simulation: Use of Photographic and Electronic Media in Design and Presentation is a step-by-step approach to a variety of simulation techniques. This classic book outlines many original concepts that are in widespread use today.
Here is practical guidance to all major areas of design simulation, including:
· Programming--the "first level" of simulation in two-dimensional graphic form. Simplified methods for forecasting entire projects and illustrating complex interrelationships.
· Design sketches--current techniques for depicting projects and space.
· Photo drawings--how to apply photography to the finished presentations.
· Models--traditional methods of model photography as well as more advanced methods such as snorkel and modelscope photographic simulation.
· Computer graphics--two dimensional wire frames and 3-D solid modeling graphics for depicting architectural space and engineering studies.