Operations Management: An Integrated Approach
Like the fish on the cover of this book, students sometimes face an uphill climb. To scale the ladder of success in this course, they will need strong, solid problem-solving skills.
This edition of Operations Management addresses this need with a new focus on problem-solving:
* Before You Begin sections accompany every solved problem to help students learn how to approach and attack problems
* Algorithmic Problems in WileyPLUS offer lots of practice
* Demonstration Problems in WileyPLUS Walk Students Through Problems and Their Solutions
* Special questions of use with Classroom Response Systems offer quick quantitative problems for students to practice techniques
Like the previous editions, this one takes an integrative approach to demonstrate the critical impact OM has on today's business environments. It clearly outlines for students how OM relates to every department in an organization. the new Third Edition also provides clear, focused, and highly engaging coverage of key operations management topics, and makes strong connections across concepts and chapters.