Study Guide for Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts, 9th Edition
Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts 2000 This Ninth Edition of Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts reports the state of the world as well as the state of the discipline of geography at the end of the twentieth century. To understand our fast-changing world you need a geographic perspective, and this book contains some 230 maps depicting topics ranging from environmental conditions to intensifying globalization. But geography is changing too, and our coverage ranges from classic spatial models to modern viewpoints-all placed in their regional settings. To mark the turn of the century, we have included a foldout map of the world as it was 100 years ago. It can be laid out to compare to any map in the text, and to reveal how greatly the regional geography of our world has changed in just one century. And global transformation continues. While it is not yet possible to define the outlines of the "New World Order" that has been the topic of so much discussion during the 1990s, we can discern some of its geographic components, including the growing role of countries facing the Pacific Ocean. Will a Pacific Century follow the Atlantic Century just concluded? Here you will find insights to help you organize your thoughts.