Breathe Well, Be Well: A Program to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Asthma, Hypertension, Migraine, and Other Disorders for Better Health
A Program to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Asthma, Hypertension, Migraine, and Other Disorders for Better Health
Take a deep abdominal breath. That's the prescription from leading stress and anxiety treatment expert Robert Fried. This straightforward self-improvement guide shows you how to take advantage of several easy breathing techniques and exercises to effectively reduce stress--the most common health complaint in North America--as well as many other health problems. Dr. Fried presents simple breathing exercises anyone can do, any time--at your desk or in bed as you're dropping off to sleep. In this book, you'll receive expert advice on:
* The Hows and Whys of Breathing--your lungs and the science of respiration.
* The Five-Day Program for Better Breathing and Relaxation--the connection between stress/relaxation and abdominal breathing.
* Nutrition and Breathing--foods that can actually improve your blood circulation.
* Specific Health Disorders--discover the link between breathing and asthma, migraines, hypertension, anxiety, and depression.