Programming with Enterprise JavaBeans, JTS, and OTS: Building Distributed Transactions with Java and C++
A complete hands-on guide to programming with the powerful new distributed object standards.
If you want to take advantage of the bold new generation of object monitor technologies, you need to understand the underlying distributed object and transactional models. This book gets you quickly up and running with the essential knowledge and skills you need to program transactions. In particular, the book covers the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Transaction Service (JTS), and Object Transaction Service (OTS) specifications.
The book explains all three specifications and includes design patterns as well as substantial real-world programming examples. Although all sample code is implemented with Inprise Applications Server, it is strictly written to the applicable specifications and is fully portable across specification-compliant EJB containers and vendors.
On the companion Web site you'll find.
* Sample code.
* OTS and EJB updates.