Study Guide to accompany Principles of Genetics, 3rd Edition
Work more effectively and gauge your progress as you go along! This Study Guide & Problems Workbook that accompanies Snustad’s Principles of Genetics, 3rd Edition, is written to be a hands-on workbook to help you learn and reinforce terminology and concepts, develop problem-solving skills, and challenge your mind. Learning introductory genetics requires both communication of knowledge and solution of problems. To communicate your newly acquired knowledge involves learning new terminology. Solving genetics problems requires the ability to analyze and interpret data. Genetics becomes fascinating and interesting as your confidence in understanding and using your knowledge grows.
In the rapidly advancing science of genetics, currency and accuracy are critical in any book. Snustad & Simmons’ Principles of Genetics, 3rd Edition presents the most up-to-date developments in genetics as well as the fundamental principles. It stresses how genetics is done and provides historical and biographical insights to the people and events that have made genetics a pre-eminent science. The authors provide a clear, concise presentation of the basic principles and concepts of genetics. The text contains discussions of the methods and experiments upon which genetic principles are based, such as DNA replication. It offers topics such as the Human Genome, inherited human diseases, and the genetic basis of human behavior are discussed in the book and in special Human Genetics Sidelights. The third edition includes many updates to the genomics material.