Interactions: Exploring the Functions of the Human Body , Disease Resistance: The Lymphatic, Integumentary and Immune Systems
Disease Resistance. Anatomy Overviews. The Lymphatic System and Disease Resistance. The Integumentary System and Disease Resistance. Antigens and Antibodies. Animations. Introduction to Disease Resistance. Non-Specific Disease Resistance. Antibody-Mediated Immunity. Cell-Mediated Immunity. Exercises. Concentrate on Disease Resistance. Integument versus Infection. Microbe Massacre. Activate and Attache. Antibody Ambush. Disease Resistance Fighters. Concepts and Connections. Non-Specific Disease Resistance. Specific Disease Resitance. Complement Proteins. Role of the Integument in Disease Resistance. Disruptions to Homeostasis. The Case of the Girl with the Butterfly Rash. The Case of Complete Immune Breakdown.