Play Therapy with Adults
Learn how to incorporate adult play therapy into your practice withthis easy-to-use guide
In the Western world there has been a widening belief that play isnot a trivial or childish pursuit but rather a prime pillar ofmental health, along with love and work. Play Therapy with Adultspresents original chapters written by a collection of internationalexperts who examine the diverse approaches and clinical strategiesavailable for successfully incorporating play therapy intoadult-client sessions.
This timely guide covers healing through the use of a variety ofplay therapy techniques and methods. Various client groups andtreatment settings are given special attention, including workingwith adolescents, the elderly, couples, individuals with dementia,and clients in group therapy.
Material is organized into four sections for easy reference:
* Dramatic role play
* Therapeutic humor
* Sand play and doll play
* Play groups, hypnoplay, and client-centered play
Play Therapy with Adults is a valuable book for psychologists,therapists, social workers, and counselors interested in helpingclients explore themselves through playful activities.