Communicating in the 21st Century
Communicating in the 21st Century (also known as"C21"), provides a comprehensive up to date look at communicationtoday. This text covers the traditional communication topics (eg.interpersonal, nonverbal, argument, teams and meetings,negotiation and conflict), as well as business communication(research skills, letters and memos, reports and proposals, onlineand academic writing, document design and graphiccommunication). In addition to these generic chapters, the text coversspecialist topics in leadership communication, interculturalcommunication, organisational and stakeholder communication, publiccommunication, and employment communication. Further to these text chapters, 8 chapters on Scientific andTechnical Writing, Gender Communication, Media Communication,Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling & Usage, Style, Plain Englishand How to Write are available on the accompanying CD. Thesechapters give students a solid foundation in grammar, basic writingskills and style before embarking on the chapter content.