En bonne forme
Based on the conviction that a solid knowledge of French grammar isessential, En bonne forme introduces each grammar topic byway of one or more excerpts of French or francophone literature.These reading selections (Lectures), at the beginning ofeach chapter, illustrate the grammar topic.
The core of the chapter is the grammar section(Grammaire). It consists of a thorough explanation of eachgrammar topic with reinforcement exercises after each major step.Supplements de grammaire consist of a selection of idiomaticexpressions that appear in the Lecture or are related to thegrammar topic. Each item is followed by reinforcement exercises.The fourth major feature, the Synthese section, containscontextualized activities, communicative activities in pairs andgroups and topics for written composition. En bonne formeprovides ample opportunity to improve all four skills-reading,writing, listening, and especially speaking.