Offering concise, user-friendly coverage of core topics, this essential text provides a strong foundation for courses in Accounting Information Systems and gives instructors the flexibility they need to meet their individual course objectives. This text - now with more color! - is an excellent, stand-alone resource for a shorter course in accounting information systems, or the prefect foundation textbook for a longer in which other materials are integrated - such as computer projects, casebooks, and readings. Newly updated and revised, this Tenth Edition has been reorganized to strengthen its flexibility as well as redesigned to promote its flexibility as well as redesigned to promote its accessibility. The reorganized chapter order moves coverage of databases to the end, which better allows for coverage at any point during the course. It also reduces systems chapters from three to one, this material is often covered in other courses. New in the Tenth Edition * Expanded coverage of Sarbanes-Oxley, Cobit Version 4, XBRL, and of risk and governance. * Test yourself multiple choice questions a the end of each chapter. * A new database chapter provides hands-on instruction in Microsoft Access. * Updated Case-in-Point features show the business context of the text material.