Product Leadership: Pathways to Profitable Innovation
Most businesses fall short of the new product performance achieved by leading firms by a factor of 2 times or more. It's no accident that top performers consistently win at new products. The top 20% of companies earn twice as much for their money. Their success rate in product innovation is closer to 80% while the bottom 20% of companies is closer to 38%.
Product Leadership is the advanced course - a comprehensive guide to how executives should think about product innovation. It doesn't just explain what strategies help a company succeed - it illustrates how to go about charting a competitive strategy for product innovation. Showcasing examples from the winners, Dr. Cooper demonstrates that it takes a commitment from all managers to triumph over the competition and become a leader in the new products war.
The Innovation Diamond and the Four Points of New Product Performance
- Learn what distinguishes the top performers from the rest
- Discover how to create the right climate and culture for product innovation
- Learn to chart a comprehensive strategy for product innovation
- Pick winning new products to maximize the return from an R&D investment portfolio
- Discover what leaders do to drive their business to optimal results in product development
- Implement an effective Idea-To-Launch Stage-Gate Process.
- How to chart a Product Innovation and Technology Strategy
- Aligning your portfolio of projects with your Product Innovation and Technology Strategy
- Building best practices into your Idea-To-Launch Process to achieve a competitive advantage
- How Senior Executives can foster a climate and culture that encourages innovation
- Numerous tools that leading companies use that can be adapted and applied at your company.