The Subway Chronicles: Scenes from Life in New York
Some seven million people board the New York City subway every day, each one with a story to tell. The Subway Chronicles collects twenty-seven of the tales, dramas and comedies that unfold during the daily commute. From the “mole people” living in the subway tunnels, to the transit employees working behind the scenes, to the locals and tourists riding shoulder-to-shoulder in harmony, discord, or indifference, The Subway Chronicles offers a kaleidoscope of perspectives on this most public of spaces.
Prominent New York writers weigh in:
Jonathan Lethem confesses his childhood subway sins
Colson Whitehead offers mass-transit tips for newcomers to the city
Francine Prose recalls the thrill and apprehension of riding alone as a teenage girl
Calvin Trillin pokes fun at the classic New York tendency to be skeptical about everything
Stan Fischler delights in memories of riding the open-air train cars to Coney Island as a boy
Equal parts hilarious, poignant, and heartbreaking, The Subway Chronicles is a journey into New York’s underground with some of today’s most loved writers.