Girl Seeks Bliss: Zen and the Art of Modern Life Maintenance
Are you searching for serenity but can’t seem to find it amongst the sticky tubes of lip gloss floating around in your purse, the piles of paperwork stacked on your desk, or the endless numbers programmed into your cell? Have the words "calm" and "stress-free" disappeared from your vocabulary? If so:
Take some advice from the Bold and the Buddha-ful
Try a mini-meditation
Learn how to create your own Space to Chill
Improve your love life by using The Eightfold Path to Finding a Good Guy
Spice up your sex life by trying some Tantric Tricks
Building on the most basic principles of Buddhism, Girl Seeks Bliss is the perfect book for any young woman looking to unclutter her mind, her heartand her closet, and be better prepared to face the obstacles life throws her way every day.