Your Secrets Are My Business: Security Expert Reveals How Your Trash, License Plate, Credit Cards, Computer, a nd Even Your Mail Make You an Easy Target for Today's Information Thieves
Kevin McKeown knows how easy it is to find out anything about anyone-from credit card, bank account, and Social Security numbers to family histories. A top investigator and security advisor, he has spent the last twenty years doing covert sleuthing for everyone from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies to A-list Hollywood celebrities. Now this professional insider shares the tools of his trade, and offers concrete tips for safeguarding our lives from the threats posed by the everyday conveniences we take for granted, from the cell phone to the family car. You'll learn about:
* Shoulder surfing
* Behavioral fingerprints
* The black box
* Traveling eyes
* Phone clone
* And what you can do to protect yourself
Entertaining, informative, and instructive, with thrilling accounts of McKeown's high-profile cases, Your Secrets Are My Business is a must-read for everyone who wants to keep their secrets to themselves.