The Contented Little Baby: The Simple Secrets of Calm, Confident Parentting
Learn the secret to getting your baby to sleep through the night--so you can get the rest you need.
You’ve heard horror stories about babies who cry constantly, need to eat every two hours, and never learn to sleep through the night. And now, whenever you think about your soon-to-be-born bundle of joy, you can’t help wondering how you’re going to manage those two a.m. feedings and non-stop crying jags--and how you’re going to live your already-hectic life on little (or no) sleep.
Relax! If you follow the practical, real-life advice in The Contented Little Baby Book, your baby should be sleeping through the night at around six to ten weeks. You’ll learn why you shouldn’t follow the conventional “feed on demand” advice. You’ll understand why even older babies can benefit from sleeping and eating schedules. And soon you’ll have what every parent wants--a happy, healthy, contented little baby.
Drawing on twelve years of experience researching and studying the natural sleep rhythms and feeding patterns of young babies, one of Britain’s top maternity nurses shows you how to…
* Recognize the difference between hunger and tiredness
* Hear what your baby is really saying
* Establish a good feeding and sleeping pattern from day one
* Choose baby equipment and clothes
* Set up the nursery
* Deal with crying and colicky babies
* Wean baby from breast to bottle
* Introduce solid foods