The Russian Revolution
1917 - and the Russian people can endure no more. Provoked by military disaster, economic chaos, and centuries of cruel repression, peasants, workers, soldiers, and Cossacks unite to destroy the detested Romanov dynasty. The fumbling Czar, his corrupt ministers, his incompetent generals, his savage secret police, his fanatic wife, his weird advisor the monk of Rasputin - all are swept away by the wrath of the people. But what will replace them? Nervous liberals, outraged monarchists, and socialists all vie for supreme power. But basing their tactics on a century of revolutionary thought, the disciplined Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Trotsky, outguess and outmaneuver their rivals at every turn. Embittered by months of ferocious civil strife, the Russian people decide to "break a new path into the future" - a path which changes the history not only of Russia but of the entire world.