Use Less Stuff
Q: What do all of the previous civilizations that practiced recycling have in common?
A: They're extinct.
Let's face it. Recycling has its limits. But so does our Earth. As environmentalists Robert Lilienfeld and William Rathje explain, the answer to our twenty-first century garbage crisis is both simple and practical--use less stuff. This groundbreaking consumer guide suggests helpful money- and energy-saving tips for everyone who cares about how we live today and tomorrow. Learn to reduce and reuse with creative suggestions for all areas of your life, including:
At home: Turn down the heat before guests arrive for a party--the extra body heat will warm up the room
During the holidays: Save gift boxes to use the following year
At the store: Buy products that come in concentrated formats--like juice and detergent
At the office: Donate or sell old office equipment
At school: Post announcements on a school Web site
In the great outdoors: Bring magic markers to your picnic so guests can label their cups and plates
And many more!
Start a war on waste and help save the planet!