Dr. Jack Sobel's enormous experience in both research and clinical medicine enrich every page of this atlas concerned with urinary tract and gynecologic infections. 616 illustrations -- including 257 visual clues of these diseases, plus flow charts and schematics, with brillian clarity.
This unparalleled collection of clinically relevant images will guide its readers through the diagnosis, treatment, and management of every kind of infectious disease, in each and every stage of its development Contains full-colour illustrations -- including clinical photos, line drawings, flowcharts, and schematics -- of the highest print quality and the best colour reproduction
With Dr. Gerald L. Mandell as the Editor-in-Chief, each volume is also edited by a leading specialist in the field Each illustration is personally chosen for its clinical/medical significance by the top authorities in the field
Its oversize atlas format (10 X 12") ensures every illustration is large-sized and all its details visible and clearly identifiable Every illustration is accompanied by a detailed caption that discusses both the image and its relation to diagnosis and treatment "