500 full-color clinical images examine the full range of infections affecting the central nervous system and eye! Concise discussions of diagnosis and management from 19 renowned authorities aid in offering patients the best possible results.
This unparalleled collection of clinically relevant images will guide its readers through the diagnosis, treatment, and management of every kind of infectious disease, in each and every stage of its development Contains over 5,000 full-color illustrations--including clinical photos, line drawings, flowcharts, and schematics--of the highest print quality and the best color reproduction
With Dr. Gerald L. Mandell as the Editor-in-Chief, each volume is also edited by a leading specialist in the field Its oversize atlas format (10 X 12") ensures every illustration to be large-sized and all its details visible and clearly identifiable
Every illustration is accompanied by a detailed caption that discusses both the image and its relation to diagnosis and treatment Serves as the perfect companion to any standard text on infectious diseases, especially Mandell, Douglas and Bennett's PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 4th Edition "