Great cross-stitch: Projects and patterns
The tradition of cross stitch is one of the oldest forms of embroidery in the world. It has been practiced by almost every civilization throughout history, from the ancient Chinese to the people of the Balkans; from the Exkimos to the Indians of Mexico.One of the most appealing and interesting aspects of cross stitch is it versatility. Almost all of the designs given and ther are more than 50 projects included can, with a little planning, be adapted to embellish an endless number of other articles. The delightful mother hen with her chicks can be used on place mats instead of the Child's bathrobe that is featured; the rose pattern on the evening purse can be altered to make anything from a throw pillow to a patch pocket. The juggling clown can trim a pair of overalls or become a curtain border in a child's bedroom, and the barnyard animals can be "herded" onto children's clothes.Every project is illustrated in full color, with complete stitch charts to guide you in your planning and stitching.