Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary
Since the publication of the first edition in 1919, this condensed chemical dictionary has provided readers with access to technical data and descriptive information covering thousands of chemicals and chemical phenomena. This edition continues the tradition. The more than 19,000 entries that appeared in the previous edition have been scrutinized and nearly 2000 entries have been updated to reflect the latest information while obsolete entries have been deleted. More than 1100 entries have been added, reflecting trends in chemical synthesis and the widespread use of new substances. The dictionary now offers significant new data on flammable and explosive materials, poisons, pesticides, carcinogens, radioactive wastes and corrosive agents. Each chemical substance is thoroughly examined and is identified by Name, Physical Properties, Source of Occurrence, Shipping Regulations, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers, Chemical Formula, Hazard, Derivation, Synonym and Use.