Oil Painting: Traditional and New
“Oil Painting: Traditional and New” offers a contemporary how-to approach to the subject. It is concerned not only with the many ways of mixing and applying pigment to the canvas, but also with creative pictorial technique - the primary purpose of the painter’s craft. Noted artist Leonard Brooks gives the student the insight and advice that have helped hundreds of veteran and beginning artists to achieve maturity and individual style. A vast range of topics is covered - classic forms, thematic development, basic methods, still life, landscape, abstraction, and color, to name a few. The chapter on new media has been completely rewritten for this edition to bring the student up-to-date. A progressive study chart, appendix of materials and equipment, and full index are included, and a unique chapter of interviews with nineteen painters, with examples of their work, gives the student first-hand insight into the variety of approaches, techniques, palettes, and subjects that are possible.