Experiencing Jazz: Online Access to Music Token
This token provides access to the companion website and streaming audio anthology for Richard J. Lawn's Experiencing Jazz.
Course components
The complete course comprises the textbook and Online Access to Music token, which are available to purchase separately. The textbook and Online Access to Music Token can also be purchased together in the Experiencing Jazz Book and Online Access to Music Pack.
Book and Online Access to Music Pack: 978-0-415-65935-2 (Paperback and Online Access to Music)
Book Only: 978-0-415-69960-0 (please note this does not include the Online Access to Music)
Online Access to Music Token: 978-0-415-83735-4 (please note this does not include the textbook)
eBook and Online Access to Music Pack: 978-0-203-37981-3 (available from the Taylor & Francis eBookstore)
ebook: 978-0-203-37985-1 (please note this does not include the audio and is available from the Taylor & Francis eBookstore)