Analysis and Design of Substructures: Limit State Design (Balkema Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and)
A systematic treatment of the analysis and design of substructures, dealing with all aspects including soil exploration, laboratory testing, analysis and structural design. The major types of foundations and retaining structures including footings and rafts, piles and wells are described. The first six chapters deal with the engineering properties of soil, principles of soil exploration and limit state design, general design principles of foundations and earth pressures. The next six chapters cover the analysis and design of shallow foundations, pile foundations, bridge substructures, marine substructures, rigid and flexible retaining walls. A chapter is devoted to foundations in expansive soils, and another to the design of foundations of transmission towers, while the final chapter focuses on reinforced earth as a construction material for retaining structures and ground improvement. A large number of illustrative examples and designs have been included in the text. It will be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering, and to practising engineers.