Refrigerator Rights: Why We Need to Let People into Our Hearts, Our Homes (And Our Refrigerators)...and How to Bring Even More Close Relationships into Our Lives
Many Americans today feel stressed-out, over-extended, and disconnected...but they're not sure why, or what they can do about it. Therapist and ordained minister Dr. Will Miller has the answer. He advocates changing our hectic lifestyles to embrace the idea of "Refrigerator Rights"-establishing close connections with friends and family who are trusted enough to enter our homes and help themselves to whatever is in the refrigerator. Dr. Miller offers suggestions on how to accomplish this through:
€ Reaching out to those beyond our immediate family
€ Balancing self-care and care for others
€ Creating a sense of true community
€ Re-establishing vital social networks
€ Getting comfortable with not being constantly "productive"
€ Learning to go with the flow, take a detour, lose track of time in the company of friends...and rediscover the nourishment of relaxed, mutually satisfying relationships