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A Christmas Alphabet From A Poem By Carolyn Wells with illustrations by twenty-seven artists from the past

A Christmas Alphabet From A Poem By Carolyn Wells with illustrations by twenty-seven artists from the past image




Author(s): Carolyn, Wells
Released: Oct 05, 1989
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Format: Hardcover, 32 pages
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A poem in which every letter of the alphabet describes a different aspect of Christmas and its celebration. This book is an illustrated version of a rhymed alphabet made by Carolyn Wells in 1901. She felicitously finds something important about Christmas for each letter of the alphabet. Here is a sequence to give an idea of its flavor: "E is for Evergreens cut for the room / F is for Flowers of exquisite perfume / G is for Gifts that bring us delight / H is for Holly with red berries bright". Published in 1989, we illustrated each rhyme with an antique image, including illustrators like Arthur Rackham, Sarah Stilwell, Jessie Willcox Smith, Oliver Herford, Anne Anderson, and Charles Robinson. It was published with great success by G.P. Putman.

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