Positive Behavior Supports in Classrooms and Schools: Effective and Practical Strategies for Teachers and Other Service Providers (Second Edition)
This unique book will provide teachers and other service providers the knowledge and skills for positive behavior supports in school settings, thereby improving the academic and social skills of their students. It is written in an informational format that teachers and other service providers can immediately put to use. The text is generic across age levels K-12, and focuses on the positive behavior supports in school settings. Each chapter begins with Key Written Questions, followed by Window to the World case studies, Discussion Questions, and suggestions for classroom and school activities. Additionally, an overview of positive behavior supports is examined, which includes measuring behavior, functional assessment and analysis, reinforcement, punishment, classroom structure, preventative procedures and Interventions, cooperative learning and peer tutoring. The self-management strategies, social skills instruction, and school-wide positive behavior supports are vital points that will prove valuable for training purposes. This how to teach book is written for teachers and other direct service providers in a non-technical manner with specific real-world examples.