The Physics and Equipment of Radiography: Slide Series 1: Powerpoint slides for Chapter 1-10 and 35-37 in Radiography in the Digital Age
The Physics and Equipment of Radiography slide series provides just the right focus and scope for courses both in Radiation Production and Characteristics and in Imaging Equipment for this digital age. The entire emphasis of foundational physics has been adjusted in order to properly support the specific information on digital imaging that will follow. The paradigm shift in imaging terminology is reflected by the careful phrasing of concepts, accurate descriptions and clear illustrations throughout the series. Foundational chapters on basic physics maintain a focus on energy physics. Obsolete and extraneous material has been eliminated, while concepts supporting digital imaging are more thoroughly discussed. For example, a more thorough discussion of graphs, atoms and electromagnetic waves is presented, but all discussion of electricity is limited to only those concepts which bear directly upon the production of x-rays in the x-ray tube. Building on this solid foundation, a full discussion of the tube itself and production and characteristics of the x-ray beam is then presented. This is followed by units covering mobile radiography, tomography, conventional fluoroscopy, digital fluoroscopy, and radiographic quality control. The slides in this series closely mirror the textbook, but for complicated topics the slides provide a much more thorough, step-by-step approach for the student, supported with abundant illustrations. An excess of text has been avoided on each slide. All slides have colorful backgrounds with large, clear print that is easy to make out at a distance.