The Human Body in Health & Disease
The new edition of this best-selling text upholds its excellent reputation. As an introduction to basic anatomy and physiology, the organization of the body is traced from the single cell to the coordinated whole. Coverage includes normal and abnormal anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; basic microbiology, chemistry, and physics. Focus is placed on the interaction of all body systems for the maintenance of a stable internal state, or homeostasis, and explanation is given for conditions that can upset this balance to produce disease. Key features include: student objectives, key terms and study questions in each chapter; a summary outline at the end of each chapter; abundant illustrations to clarify text; a glossary with pronunciations; and a medical terminology section. New and exciting in the 8th edition: 50% of all illustrations are new; 70 new four-color illustrations; many new photographs and micrographs; expanded information on physiology; special interest boxes in each chapter, one on normal function, one presents clinical focus. Also new is an appendix on laboratory values covering urine, blood cells, and blood chemistry.