Microeconomics Study Guideook TEC 5ecmcm
Contents: Economics: The world around you Choice, Opportunity Costs, and Specialization Markets, Demand and Supply, and the Price System The Price system, Market Failures, and Alternatives Households, Businesses, Government, and the International Sector Consumer Choice Elasticities of Demand and Supply The Costs of Doing Business An Overview of PRoduct Markets Perfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and the Economics of Information Antitrust Policy and the Regulation of Monopoly An overview of Resource Markets The Labor Market Unions Land, Capital, and the Entrepreneurial Ability The Economics of Aging and Health Care Income Distribution,Poverty, and Government Policy The Environment The Government and Public Choice World Trade Equilibrium Commercial Policy Exhange-Rate Systems and Practices Foreign - Exchange Risk and International Lending