Japan, 1941: Between Pan-Asianism and the West (Reacting to the Past)
Set in Japan during the early years of World War II, this Reacting to the Past game helps students understand the political and strategic reasons behind Japan's decision to enter the war. Taking on the roles of leading figures in Tokyo?army or navy officers, bureaucrats, and members of the Imperial Court?students are thrust into the middle of Japan's strategic dilemma. Drawing on important works from Japan's past, players must advise the emperor on how to proceed. Will they call for a ?strike south? to seize the natural resources of Southeast Asia?even at the risk of war with Great Britain and the United States? Or will they seek an understanding with those nations?even if it means giving up the ideal of a Pan-Asian partnership?
Reacting to the Past is an award-winning series of immersive role-playing games that actively engage students in their own learning. Students assume the roles of historical characters to practice critical thinking, primary source analysis, and both written and spoken argument. Adopted by thousands of instructors at all types of institutions, Reacting to the Past games are flexible enough to be used across the curriculum, from first-year general education classes and discussion sections of lecture classes to capstone experiences and honors programs.