Draw 50 Creepy Crawlies
Number twenty in the "Draw 50" series. Millions of people have learned to draw by using Lee J. Ames' step-by-step approach. Here, together with Ray Burns, he provides another ideal learning tool for children, adults, parents, and teachers who want to draw the wondrous variety of insects, arachnids, and other small creatures. Included here are Firefly, Bumblebee, European Corn Borer Moth, Boll Weevil, Winged Termite, Sweet Potato Weevil, Japanese Beetle, Anopheles Mosquito, Gypsy Moth Larva, Earwig, Unicorn Beetle, Assassin Bug, Luna Moth, Walking Stick, Predacious Diving Beetle, Silverfish, Springtail, Bald-faced Hornet, Grasshopper, Housefly, American Cockroach, Army Worm, Ladybug, Dragonfly, Bedbug, Butterfly, Praying Mantis, Scorpion Fly, Head Louse, Horntail, Dog Flea, Dung Beetle, Stinkbug, Buffalo Treehopper, Black Widow Spider, Tarantula, Wolf Spider, Daddy Longlegs, Slug, Snail, Scorpion, Millipede, Centipede, Caterpillar, Black Swimmer, Field Cricket, Cicada, Water Strider, and Dog Tick. Practicing the lines and forms of these drawings not only helps develop basic drawing skills, but also shows young artists how to capture the uniqueness of each creepy crawly. Instructions are included, with hints about the materials you might want to use and how to achieve the best results. Many of the drawings are perfect for beginning artists, but there are plenty of more challenging subjects, too.