Model T: How Henry Ford Built a Legend
Somehow Henry Ford knew what Americans were hankering for: “Everybody wants to be someplace he ain’t. As soon as he gets there, he wants to go right back.” And so, he pioneered the Model T–the first affordable car for the masses.
David Weitzman has meticulously documented the development of the assembly line and the many innovations and adaptations Ford put to use in making his famous Tin Lizzy. When the Ford plant first opened, the crew could make 18,000 cars a year at a cost of $950 each. In just ten years, they had refined the process enough so that they could build one million cars in a year and the price had come down to about $350. Filled with detailed black-and-white drawings, helpful text and captions, and fascinating quotes from Ford employees, this elegant book gives young readers a look at a mechanical genius in action.