Slightly Married (Slightly Series)
All Tracey wants is to get hitched without a hitch—but as the calendar
marches toward her late-October wedding date, suddenly she and her
fiancé can't agree on anything. From where to get married (New York City
or Buffalo?) to how many attendants they're going to have (she's already
asked eight; he was thinking of just a best man). Meanwhile, Tracey's friends
are caught up in their own dramas. There's newlywed Raphael, who just had
his gay wedding; newly pregnant Kate, who is trying to adjust to impending
motherhood; and Buckley, who is acting inexplicably strange. When Buckley
unexpectedly breaks off his own engagement, all but leaving his fiancé at
the altar, Tracey is stunned to learn that he might be in love with her.
With plenty of snafus to keep them distracted, is being Slightly Married the
road to happily ever after, after all?