Beekeeping Learn How to Keep Bees Successfull
The information in this book is useful to anyone wanting to start beekeeping as a hobby or a business. It was written for beginners. Those who have never looked into beekeeping, may not understand the meaning of the terminology used by people in the industry. Here's what you'll learn with this guide: - How to get started - Acquiring Bees - Clothes and Equipment Needed - Using pollen substitutes - Using Nectar Substitutes - Queen Bee Management - Raising Queen Bees - How to Handle Bees - Raising Bees in Suburban Areas As you can see this book has much information to offer the bee enthusiasts. The book will tell the methods to use to handle the bees. The way the bees are handled can mean the difference between a sting and no sting at all. Kws: bee keeping, beekeeping, beekeeping for dummies, beekeeping books, beekeeping books for beginners