The Key to Theosophy: The Classic Introductory Manual to the Theosophical Society and Movement by Its Co-Founder, Madame Blavatsky (Hardcover)
H. P. Blavatsky introduces and clarifies her theosophical movement to the curious reader in this detailed text, which is written in the style of questions and answers. The Theosophic Society attracted popular interest for its esoteric and unusual nature; theosophy unites numerous mystical, spiritual and occult principles with the stated mission of finding the hidden truths of existence. This was accomplished through investigating ancient societies and writings, together with Medieval and Renaissance era authors, occultists and other mystics. With The Key to Theosophy, Blavatsky intended to demystify and clarify many of the finer points of the movement she founded. She not only discusses what topics the Theosophical Society has an interest in, but the organizational structure and leadership under which it operates The agreed beliefs among its members concerning man's place on the Earth, and how nature affects and controls humans perceptibly and imperceptibly, are likewise detailed.