California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach
Clear, concise and engaging, Gerston/Christensen/Currin-Percival/Percival's CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: A PRACTICAL APPROACH, 15th edition, draws from current headlines to help you understand the complex role of state government and politics and their impact on your everyday life -- now and in the future. Up-to-date coverage includes the 2020 elections, how the COVID-19 pandemic changed the state's fiscal condition from a significant budget surplus to a massive deficit, economic inequality, the flow of people to and from California, judicial appointments, criminal justice reform, water and immigration policy, same-party competition under the "top two" primary and statewide ballot measures. In addition, "Get Involved" features offer suggestions for hands-on political experience, while "Learn More on the Web" features provide resources for more in-depth research on key topics.