Backed by the expertise of the editors of HOME(c) magazine, How Your House Works is a fully illustrated, hands-on visual guide that provides a complete blueprint of every system and structure in your home. From water meter to faucet, from electric meter to lightbulb, this entertaining, beautifully designed volume will answer many questions you might have about your home's electrical system, plumbing, heating, structure, interior, and design, covering every component you can imagine...including the kitchen sink.
* Interior and exterior lighting * Switches * Ceiling fans * Doorbells * Telephones * Security systems * Smoke detectors * Furnaces * Air conditioners * Heat pumps * Thermostats * Humidifiers * Air cleaners * Ventilators * Fireplaces * Drains * Water supply * Faucets * Bathroom fixtures * Sprinklers * Sump pumps * House framing * Roofing * Siding * Insulation * Doors and windows * Porches, decks, and sunspaces * Walls, ceilings, and moldings * Wood, tile, and stone floors * Carpets * Cabinets * Countertops * Home safety * Basic and enhanced toolboxes * And much, much more!
If you want to talk knowledgeably to contractors, architects, and designers; prepare for emergencies by learning where to shut off the gas and water lines; find out how the heat in your house circulates; identify all those confusing connections in your fusebox; or just wish to be educated about the infrastructure of your home, this is the first book you'll turn to and the last book you'll ever need.