Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
Dr. Eric Berne, as the originator of transactional analysis, has attained recognition for developing one of the most innovative approaches to modern psychotherapy. Bit it wasn't until his Games People Play became an international bestseller that his method achieved wide popularity. In his writings and teachings, until his death in 1970, Dr. Berne laid the groundwork for a rational method for understanding and analyzing human behavior, which is gaining increasing application in modern therapy as one of the most promising new development in the mental health field. Dr. Berne first outlined the principles of transactional analysis in Transactional Analysis In Psychotherapy, now a classic in the field; later, he discussed its application to group dynamics in The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups (1963); its use in analyzing games in the celebrated bestseller Games People Play (1964); its application to clinical practice in Principles of Group Treatment (1966): and a summary of the theory in popular form in A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1868). His last book written before his death was What Do You Say After You Say Hello?