They say that the cure for love will make me happy and safe forever. And I've always believed them.
Until now.
Now everything has changed.
Now, I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest silver of a second than live a hundred years suffocated by a lie.\nThere was a time when love was the most important thing in the world. People would go to the end of the earth to find it. They would tell lies for it. Even kill for it.\nThen, at last, they found the cure.\nNow, everything is different. Scientist are able to eradicate love, and the government demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Haloway has always looked forward to the day when she'll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.\nBut then, with only ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable...