Sigue! AS (Spanish Edition)
This is the AS volume in the Sigue series - the best selling two volume A Level Spanish course from the leading A Level Spanish publishers. Key features A one stop shop: the student book combines authentic source material (culturally rich with many references to Spain and El Mundo Hispanohablante), carefully graded language learning exercises and extensive grammar practice all within a coherent, tried and trusted philosophy of language learning. Fully supported with Teachers Resource Book and Audio CDs. The best of the old plus the best of the new: the authors have over 60 years' teaching and examining experience which they have applied to the previous best selling editions of Sigue and which they have now distilled still further to provide a motivating course that delivers outstanding results for students and teachers. This course is rooted in traditional values, but using imaginative approaches and modern methodologies to make language learning a truly rewarding experience. Clear and coherent: stimulating and challenging tasks carefully graded through the book to ensure an appropriate level of demand for all students, clear rubrics; plus uncluttered design which is easy to navigate both for student and teacher with no waste - every element is used for effective learning. Exam success: thorough coverage of the specification topics, skills and content but without reducing the A Level course to two years of exam practice. Endorsed by OCR but useful for all A Level boards including AQA and WJEC. "We like using these books as the topics are well covered and there is a variety of exercises which challenge the students to improve their Spanish. There is a wealth of material meaning we are never stuck for ideas for topics." Ian Kendrick, Head of MFL, Ashville College