Psychology First
The bestselling GSCE Psychology core textbook, Psychology First 2nd edition is the ideal text for OCR GCSE Psychology. Highly accessible and readable, it provides comprehensive coverage of key topics, including: social influence, environment and behaviour, phobias and aggression, attachment and cognitive development, aspects of morality, attitudes of prejudice, memory, perception, stress, sex and gender, ethics, research methods, planning and carrying out investigations. Ideal for all students of GSCE Psychology, particularly the OCR course, the text includes many features designed to aid and consolidate students' understanding and revision, such as: Key terms and concepts highlightedConcise chapter summaries; group activitiesSample examination questions from past papersNumerous photographs and illustrationsIcons to indicate topics relating to cultural diversity, citizenship and ethicsGlossary, further reading and useful resources.Written by bestselling author Barbara Woods, this new edition of Psychology First provides excellent coverage for OCR GCSE Psychology.It is also an excellent general introduction for students following other exam boards, and the interested general reader.