Radiology for Anaesthetists (Medical Finals Revision Series)
'Radiology for Anaesthetists' provides a highly illustrated guide to diagnostic imaging relevant to anaesthesia and intensive care. Interpretation of X-ray, Ultrasound and MRI images, in order either to clear a closed airway or to administer a difficult local anaesthetic, constitutes a key part of the FRCA and equivalent postgraduate examinations. Extensive Question and Answer sections follow a similar format to the structured clinical component of the Fellowship Exam and systematic progression in the difficulty of cases allows a steady development in knowledge. There is a carefully balanced mix between pre-operative assessment, complications of anaesthesia or surgical procedures, adult intensive care and neonatal intensive care.
This book will appeal to Anaesthetists taking higher level qualifications, medical practitioners involved in critical care and trainee radiologists preparing for specialist examinations. Anaesthetists will find the book's condensed yet comprehensive coverage invaluable in acquiring a logical approach to assessing X-rays and the correct use of terminology.