Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century Book 7: It Is Not Death to Die
The book recounts how Hudson Taylor, the missionary, faced many crises as the advance of the Gospel was bitterly contested. He never planned an international society of thousands, but recognized the hand of God in each development. Eventually at 68, with his strength failing, his health broke down at the time of the Boxer Rebellion. When the Empress Dowager tried to exterminate the Church and all foreigners in China, the sufferings of the survivors often exceeded those of the martyrs whose testimony attracted thousands to faith in Christ. The book closes with the dawn of a new China as yet more attempts to expel foreigners succeeded under Mao, only to misfire as the Chinese Church, freed from foreign props, has burgeoned as never before. Dr Broomhall was for many years a surgeon in China and South-East Asia (1964-1978) with CIM (China Inland Mission) and then OMF (the mission Hudson Taylor founded).