Water Babies
Originally written as a children’s story, The Water-Babies follows the adventure of a young boy named Tom. Tom finds himself drowning and is then transformed into a water-baby. As Tom journeys through the river, he is challenged to prove that he is a moral creature. If he completes one final task, Tom can become human and his reward will be to become a great man of science. Does Tom complete the final task and become human or will he remain in the water forever? Charles Kingsley filled many roles in his lifetime. Kingsley started as a simple rector in a church, but later became the chaplain to Queen Victoria and private tutor for the Prince of Wales. Kingsley devoted his life to bring about social reform through his actions, committees, and his novels. Kingsley worked with many famous individuals to influence the world around him including Thomas Carlyle, Charles Dickens, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and his friend, Charles Darwin. His last years were spent serving as a canon for Westminster Abbey. Kingsley died in 1875 and is buried in St. Mary’s of Eversley.